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  1. Letter from Gullen, William Roy

    made them, the mail is not coming very good these days [written in upper right corner of new page: ...

    Editor - Sep 2 2024 - 2:45pm

  2. Memoir from Gauthier, William Vincent

    1915. Was I ever proud of my baggy britches and kitchener boots and heavy woolen socks all for free. ... nothing but mud, mud, mud. Come Christmas day 50% of our Battery was sick so we had the refreshments for ... didn't mutiny. Mutiny, in fact did come after the war only on a small scale. Riots erupted over the ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 14 2021 - 3:01pm

  3. Diary from Duffy, Reginald Carl Francis

    us what-so-ever. They want peace as much as we do- I think more. Sunday 25th April These days are too ... except my epitaph, that when the time comes, will manifestly have to be: I told you so, you damn ... Apparently ball team has just arrived, judging from the noise coming from Anderson Air Force WWII Africa ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 14 2021 - 3:07pm

  4. Letter from Andrews, Gerald Smedley

    interested in my coming to this country, and is using his influence to try to get me on to work of my own ... experience, but I feel the time has come when they should assign me to air survey work, in which I have so ... package if there ever was one. I wish you all could have the snap of her hanging onto the side of her crib ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 16 2021 - 12:03am

  5. Letter from Dickson, William Haslam

    till 5PM at 6.30 comes guard mount which is a verry pretty sight there is six men detailed from each Co ... is a verry fine sight after dress parade we have till 9pm to ourselves then comes Tatoo and at 9.15 ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 13 2021 - 10:41am

  6. Letter from Hale, Robert

    number who will never come back. I hope I am not one of them, don't you dear Alice? Well, yesterday ... if I can. I hope I live through this and come back to you all well. If I am crippled, you are not ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 13 2021 - 12:36pm

  7. Letter from MacKay, Gordon Rae

    home for he won't be able to spare much from now on if he intends getting married this coming ... a great crowd out (mostly soldiers), but yours truly had almost enough of the sea coming over from Canada. ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 13 2021 - 1:00pm

  8. Letter from McLorg, Francis Harold

    I have given instructions to have my mail forwarded to [?], and it should come through before long. I am ... attention and sympathy, in fact you are totally spoiled. This place comes as a rather rude shock. Of course, ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 13 2021 - 2:40pm

  9. Letter from Cobourg World

    my guide bringing me out over the safe place again, Then before leaving the trench to come home we ... had a bit of excitement. It was past twelve o'clock midnight, I had just arranged to come out ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 13 2021 - 2:48pm

  10. Letter from Bell, William Robert

    & no doubt another one coming up. I bet you gals think I'm suffering from starvation, ... time. Its surprising how easy it is to learn the things you're interested in. It just comes ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 13 2021 - 6:13pm