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Lesson plans utilizing The Canadian Letters and Images Project
The Canadian Letters and Images Project has been fortunate to have had the support of The History Education Network THEN/HiER to develop a teacher's guide for the use of the project.  It consists of lesson plans for a variety of levels utilizing the primary materials of the project.  Click on the pdf below for the lesson plans.

Lesson Plans for The Canadian Letters and Images Project

D-Day Sources for the Classroom
The following pdf contains links for collections connected to the D-Day operations that could be used in the classroom. This is not an exhaustive list, and more classroom sources can be found by searching terms such as D-Day in the project.

D-Day Sources for the Classroom

Media links for The Canadian Letters and Images Project

Below are links to three news stories which can help explain the project to students.

As time permits The Canadian Letters and Images Project will be developing more Teacher Resources to help utilize the materials in the project in all classroom levels. We would greatly appreciate the assistance of any teachers who have used the materials and can share with us what they have done. In addition to what we develop we want to include as many examples as possible of their current use in the classroom. Please help us to make this resource as useful as possible for all teachers. If you can contribute in any way, please contact the project. Thank you to all who have been using the project and for your continued support.