Feature Letter of October 13th, 2024
Beattie, Reverend William
Greetings from the sea. We are now within two days of landing, if all goes well. I am afraid you on shore will be anxious on account of the length of time we have taken but there is no occasion for it. We are all very well and as happy as the gloomy work ahead will permit us to be. The officers and men are all showing excellent spirit and are facing the awful realities of the war with remarkable cheerfulness, I do not think any are heedless of the danger but all feel that this thing must be seen through and we must do gravely our share.... On Sunday, October 3rd, all the ships of the fleet were flying the signal which read 'have steam up and am ready for sea.' At three o'clock the command came from the naval flagship and we were off, moving in a steady array of three columns, 32 transports and four cruisers. Since then we have been joined by the ships bearing the Newfoundland contingent and two large battle ships. One of the latter, The Princess Royal, which is of the very latest type, steamed in close yesterday and went up through our lines just to give us a chance to see her and to make us feel how well we are guarded. It was a thrilling moment when she came abeam of us and her band struck up 'The Maple Leaf and the thousand jolly tars gave three rousing cheers for the Canadian Contingent, while we responded with 'Rule Britannia' and round after round of cheering.