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  1. Postcard from Johnston, William Joseph

    know that I am well we had a march at Winnipeg yesterday and one at Fort. William and are at Port ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 15 2021 - 7:04pm

  2. Postcard from Sinclair, Lawrence Charles

    Postcard, April 28, 1915, back Mrs. M.J. Sinclair 864 Fleet Ave Fort Rouge Winnipeg Man Canada ...

    Editor - Sep 16 2021 - 4:08pm

  3. Stewart, David Morrison

    youngest of eight children. In 1900 Stewart joined The Lord Strathcona Horse in Winnipeg with whom he ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Mar 8 2024 - 2:04pm

  4. Newspaper Article from Leech, Hart

    [clipping from the Winnipeg Tribune newspaper, published September 22, 1916] Lieut. Hart Leech, ...

    Editor - Jul 3 2024 - 12:51pm

  5. Newspaper Article from Priske, Kenneth Wheatley

    former Louise Tate, resides at 242 Christina street; and the mother, Mrs. Alice K. Priske, 280 Winnipeg ... service nine years, is now on the Restigouche. Other brothers are Fred, 208 Winnipeg avenue; Monty, of ...

    Editor - Sep 16 2021 - 4:08pm

  6. Matier, Alexander

    He died in Winnipeg in 1920. More information about this time period is available in his service ... Hospital in Winnipeg, receiving treatments such as galvanism, faradism, electric current baths and ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Mar 8 2024 - 12:21pm

  7. Diary from Stewart, Walter F.

    unfinished line to cross over; we will be a long time getting even to Winnipeg. Army Pre-1914 North America ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 13 2021 - 10:51am

  8. Letter from DeGear, Gordon Alexander

    Winnipeg, June 29/16 Dear Mother:- Well I arrived safe and sound on Tuesday afternoon and am ... split up pretty bad. There are hardly any soldiers left in Winnipeg now and they are still passing ... Address my mail to Send last weeks papers Clearing Depot M.P. No. 10 Immigration Hall Barracks Winnipeg ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 14 2021 - 4:52am

  9. Postcard from Ewart, Norman

    go through. Will reach Winnipeg in morning. Having a good time & well. Will write in morning. So ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - Sep 14 2021 - 2:25am

  10. McKenzie, Malcolm

    them up to date on the details of his early training at H.M.C.S. Chippawa in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and ...

    Editor - Mar 29 2022 - 5:34am