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Date: April 30th 1944
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

Sunday April 30, 1944

Dear Phyl:

Guess I’m in for it eh, long time no write. I believe the last time I wrote was on the 4th April and the only letters that I have seemed to have been able to write since was to Mom and Dad. The reason for this neglect (if there is a reason) is that I have been on night shift for a while and on top of that have been working 7 days a week or maybe its 8 days, so I kinda got throwin of my regular routine.

There isnt a great deal of news as per usual, I saw a couple of Pictures a week ago but forget them now. I havent seen any this week.

Bert was here a couple weeks ago. He came on Saturday. We were working weekends but I was on night shift then so was able to have some time with him. We went to a show and that night he used my bed while I went to work. Sunday I had a few hours sleep in the morning and then had dinner and in the afternoon we just moseyed about.

I have three letters here of yours. One of April 11 received on April 24, One of March 20, an Easter Card sent from you, Mother and Dad but forget when it got here. I usually mark em but I missed this one. Also received your Air mail  of March 20 on 8 of April.

I’m waiting for that parcel of yours, we are still having evening pot licken sessessions but the larder is getting rather destitute.

I received your cigs on the 18th April thanks oodles and boodles.

The weather is fairly nice now and some days it is really swell but to-day it was super grand, sure hope it keeps up that way for a while.

Well cheerio for now Phyl.


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