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Date: December 26th 1941
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

Camp Borden Ontario
Dec 26/41

Dear Phyllis:

Just a short note for now to tell you that I am well and that I enjoyed your Parcel very much. I got it at noon of the 24, the lighter saved me from making a trip to the canteen, for matches thanks very much. I had a fairly good time yesterday, yet it seemed like just another day off. We had a special dinner of turkey cranberries and ice cream, also free cigarettes.

I am very sorry that I cannot get home but I was only given five days, I would have had two extra days but my last leave was marked down on my papers so they just simply couldn’t spare the couple extra days some fellas went to see the Major and managed to get a few extra days, but I aint much for that. They know how how far I am from home and how long it takes to go there so if they don’t want to give me the extra time they can keep it. This is the last leave that we will be getting when we leave Borden it will only be with a couple of hours notice. The Commanding officer told us yesterday that he thought it would be about the end of January or the first of Febuary. To-day I heard that we might go to Debert of the 15 of January, that sure will be swell if we do cause then I will be able to see Kieth. I am going to Montreal and stop at Toronto on the way back.

Good bye for now.

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