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Date: October 7th 1921
Imperial War Graves Commission
Fred Gullen - (Roy Gullen's brother)

[Editor’s note: Provided by collection donor as transcription only.]


October 7th, 1921.

The Secretary of the Imperial War Graves Commission,
82 Baker St., W. 1.
London, England.

Re - W. R.Gullen and C.C.M. - 122-70693

Dear Sirs:

Your letter of the 23rd of September, received. As mentioned in my previous correspondence I intend visiting France next August, and as no definite decision has been arrived at in regard to memorials for the missing by the Commission, I request to know if it would be possible for me and my brothers to erect a small memorial in the nearest War Cemetery to the scene of the engagement, namely, Fresnoy. If this is possible I would be much obliged if you will write me stating what procedure I should adopt in order to obtain a permit to erect such a memorial, in a convenient and proper Cemetery. This we would like to do apart from anything that your commission may determine in regard to the State's memorials to the missing.

Thanking you in advance, I am

Yours very truly,
[signature of Frank Gullen]