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Date: July 26th 1921
Directorate of Graves, Registration & Enquiries
Fred Gullen - (Roy Gullen's brother)

[Editor’s note: Provided by collection donor as transcription only.]


July 26th, 1921.
Directorate of Graves, Registration & Enquiries,
War Office
Winchester House,
St. James Square,
London, England.

Dear Sirs:

My brother, William Roy Gullen, 772521, 1st Battalion, 1st Division, 1st Brigade, France, was reported missing on the 3rd of May, 1917 after the Battle of Fresnoy and on May 22nd, 1918 reported presumed to have died.

I desire to know if any mark or monument has been erected in any cemetery or other place in France, in memory of my brother. If so I wish you let me know the nature of the mark and where the same is situated. If there is no such mark, would you kindly advise me which cemetery, at or near the scene of engagement, would be suitable for the erection of a small monument.

I intend visiting France in August, 1922 and any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance, I beg to remain,

Yours very truly
[signature of Frank Gullen]