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Date: May 1st 1917
Mary Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen

May 1/17

Dear Mary and kiddies

Just a line for the 1st of May got you letter of Apr 3 last night and Don’s M’s sorry they have such colds I think if Don’s can be fixed with out any trouble will save him a lot of pain after you are doing great without the old man and will not need to worry very much if he never gets back hope to get through though Lloyd will think me nuts alright and a great many others I am very slow in many ways will know the life from now on and will try hard to live [?]

your letters are great you are very strong in every thing You undertake my girlie. Don’s letter was very fine he has been doing well puting of Swings for the little ones to play on glad it is getting dry will be very fresh and green their now the grass has not started much here yet some spring farming has started M’s and all of your letters will get read quite a few times hope your next one gets here to day Mother’s box has not arrived yet haven’t had a box for a great while the one with the big candle was the last. lots of love

God bless you.

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