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Date: April 25th 1917
Mary Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen
Read by:

Kristen den Hartog

Reader Bio
Kristen den Hartog is an award-winning Canadian novelist and non-fiction writer. Her work explores the intimate histories of ordinary individuals and families in times of war.

Apr 25/17

Dear Mary and Kiddies

Have not any ink in pen will try a few lines with pencil am with a wagon this time that carries machine guns and pans etc I have to fill pans and clean wagons have been looking for letter for quite a while wish you would say when you sent last letter or box and what boxes were sent and write oftener I havent had any box from thoes people you said were sending one hope I get one to day or tomorrow will be very glad to hear how you all are has been big drive over here this last few days and weeks and does go hard with my nerves had my thumb frost biten it has skined it half away but it is getting better the boys will be out in a few days and move to town for a while wish you would buy about 10 or 20$ of French money and send it to me if you can spare it I will use it to my best I will try and wire Fred see what he says fix up bigger boxes and more of them please wish you could write and mail them so they would come every week any way try and think when boat sails for over here and mail them every week I have read your last short letter over so often it is almost wore out do you know if a boat sails every week or not M’s last letter was great also I keep reading it often I got a letter from Vera the other day it was very good telling about you being there last summer my if Fritz would run out of goods we will get him soon anyway I hope we get home before cold weather very glad to be here now, but on the way would be better you will see by the paper some of the things we have been doing the weather is quite dry just this last 4 or 5 days but no buds have started here yet the wind is cold my bandaged thumb makes great writing I am going to try to cook some things for my self for a few days the tea seems so strong my blood gets out of order if I could get home by August and start selling peaches would like it [?] I got hit with a piece of stuff but it was no use to take me home hope we all go home by August at least

I do not know much to write about except that we can see for a great way from our lines now over to Fritz’s and everyway around here you can see air ships by the 20’s at a time some of the stuff he left in his tunnels we can use and his guns his bread is very poor stuff black and no taste I saw 50 loaves in one place

Apr 26

havent any ink yet the 18th Batt carried it away by the bag black Bread and no taste we are working to get Fritz back it is very heavy at night just now I do not feel any good to day ache all over was to the M.O this morning my thumb is some better not much big rag on it well will say bye bye and best wishes with lots of love and kisses my dear bunch

Yours dad
WR Gullen

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