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Date: March 18th 1917
Mary Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen

[Editor’s note: Page order may be incorrect, pages may be missing, and written sections of some pages may have been cut off (whether the paper was cut before or after the letter was written is unclear). Page transitions in the transcription have been noted.]


Mar 18/17

Dear Mary and kiddies

The mail does not come as good these days, looking patiently for a letter from you folks I registerd a 1st Batt pin to you a few days back and yesterday some cards and a French handkerchief Fred and Agnes one also, Fathers a card, am mess orderly for a few days getting better very slowly, the boys are training hard every day it has been brighter this last two days, will take a few days to dry things up, hope it keeps fine untill we get into action

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1st Batt Mar 18 1917

Have a new suit at last my knee’s were bouth very raged, it is a bright day again, have had a shave and wash, after washing things around the cooker, my ribs are very slow getting better turning these old rope wells, does them no good, catterpilar engins pull in great shape they can lift its front part over a ditch and travel on very soft ground, wish this thing would end 1st of next month and get home by good old sumer time, how many do you receve of my old letters, I write a great many to you folks, there is no person that

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The dinner for our platt in a few minutes, have ours well up to strength with new fellows now, some 162 Batt will finish this afternoon, well dinner is over beef and onions with mustard, at 2o we draw the dry rations then tea at 430 then return the tins wash and fill with water for tea in the morning, am keeping in shape for dish washing at home, that will be a picnic after these tins

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supper is over and water on for the morning I made a dandy cup out of the tin Freds put in to night I am anxious for a letter it seems an age between letters just now, Freds box was Feb. 7th you next letter will be about, my birthday and latter, it is a very fine night hope it is over there, well it is getting to dark will end this with lots of kisses and love


P.S. Pen is now empty

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