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Date: September 23rd 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen

Bramshott England
Sept 23/16

Dearest kiddo and kiddies,

I wish I could see you again soon, have been having trouble sometimes this last few days it all blows over was in the orderly room again but was let off, have been up four times here but have got off every time, have got the (hives) or sore under the arms and legs and back eating, heavy grease and wearing undercloths on marches will soon heal up M.O gave me some save, have had a fight with the big fellow (a horse trader) I had him down once, but I have no friends here they got a hold of me and pulled me off, but I got a hold of him again I just hit him twice the supper call blew and they said break away, if I only had a brother for a chum, but I have a good time with a fellow called Wateres, we had a good night last night at a band concert and playing games, there is some kind of concert about 2 miles away tonight think I will go and forget myself, wish I could just see you for a couple of hours it would be a great comfort and bracer my dear girl hope we do get together again, you are little giant if you get through this time my dear little girl you will over look my simple letter writing please and foolisness, try and think, I will be a stronger man when I come home, if I am luckey enough, for am sure I will have learned to be more pateant and careful, hope you are keeping as good as you have other years, if you need anything try and get it, dear’st it is hard to be away from each other just at this time, I do love you so much, if I am no good, and you do love me a lot dont you dear well it is supper time

Your old

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