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Date: August 31st 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen

31 1916

Dear Girlee

I am going back to Camp now it is 9 0 a.m of the last day it has been raining a terrable lot this last two days but have kept dry was through the museum yesterday did not go back to the Scrubs it rained so I think the War will be shortened now these other nations are going in am glad to go back for it may be I can hear from home a fellow can amuse himself with lots of ladies or girls on the streets but it is no use, have met some funny ones Scotch English Irish, some town this London my train is going now in ten minutes this is a handy place to write here this club is just across from the station have polished my buttons and shoes will shave in the morning for drill there are thousands of soldiers and sailors in this club writing and eating sleeping some have to go to two other houses which are full to sleep well I will have to go bye bye my own love

Your old man


[Editor’s note: The letter’s date as written gave only the day and year, but content and context strongly suggest the month was August.]

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