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Date: November 10th 1916
Hillyard Leech
Maj.-Gen. Samuel B. Steele

Headquarters, Shorncliffe,
10th November, 1916.

Dear Mr. Leech,

I greatly regret that I have been unable to write to you before in reference to the sad loss of your son. Please accept my most sincere sympathy.

I enclose herewith correspondence I have received from his Battalion, with what meagre facts as can be gleaned. Trusting that they will be of some little comfort to you and apologizing for typewritten letter.

Yours faithfully,
[signature of:] SB Steele

J. Hillyard Leech, Esq., M.A., L.L.B., K.C.
306, McArthur Bldg.
Winnipeg, Canada.

[enclosed typewritten (carbon copied?) document:]


Joined Battalion At     STEENVOORDE     18/6/16.
Remained at STEENVOORDE until morning of 13th July when he went CAMP ERIE.
15/7/16     moved to YPRES
18/7/16     Trenches YPRES
26/7/16     to Camp St. LAWRENCE
31/7/16     to STEENVOORDE
9/8/16       YPRES (Trenches same date)
12/8/16     in Severe Action
15/8/16     in Camp TORONTO
23/8/16    POPERENGHE
25/2/16    in Camp near ABEELE
7/9/16      CASSEL, CANDAS and FRANSU
10/10/16  BONNEVILLE
11/10/16  VADENCOURT Area
12/10/16  ALBERT and to Chalk Pits
13/10/16  night in Trenches
14&15/10/16 in Action MOUQUET FARM where he was killed

He was in command of his platoon in the 2nd. wave of a raiding party who were making a raid on a German Trench just East of MOUQUET FARM. As he was going over the parapet he was shot through the body. His wound was promptly dressed but he dide in the trench before he could be taken out. It was impossible to remove dead to rear for burial and he was buried in rear of the trench where he fell. The Map Location of his grave is as follows “Beaumont Edition” 2. D 57. D-S.E. (Pts. 1-2) 1/10000/R.27.D.[8]1/2

[handwritten at end (handwriting appears to be that of Major Donald Williamson):]
To Major Gen. S.B. Steele
G.O.C. Troops

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