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Date: November 3rd 1916
Hillyard Leech
Major Donald Williamson


J. Hillyard Leech Esq.
306 McArthur Bldg.
Winnipeg, Man.

Lieut. H. Leech

Further to your letter of the 29th. Sept. and mine of the 21st. Oct. re Lieut Hart Leech.

In a separate envelope addressed to you this date I am sending a diary of mr. Leech’s movements since he joined this battalion 18th. June. You will also thereon [word inserted, author unclear: “FIND”] an account of the circumstances under which this Officer met his death and the Map Location of his grave.

Allow me to add that his death is deeply deplored by myself and all of the other Officers, N.C.Os., and men to who his duties brought him in contact, as during the short time he was with the battalion he had by his cheerful disposition made himself popular with all ranks. I looked upon him as one of my most efficient Subaltern Officers.

[signature:] D. Williamson
By direction
For O.C. 1st C.M.R. Battn.
absent on duty

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