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Date: October 9th 1918
Elsie Hayes - (friend)
Norman Bryce

No. 2023379 H Coy. 1 Res.
Oct 9. 1918

Dear Elsie

I received your letter about a week ago and was pleased to hear from you. I would have written you sooner but I did not know whether you was in in Vancouver yet or not. I would have answered this letter sooner but I just got it as we were leaving Aldershot quarantine camp. The day after we got here I took sick and they sent me to the hospital. I was in bed for 4 days they said I had influenza they let me get up yesterday morning so I thought I would make the best of my time writing for a couple of days. When we arrived in England we were sent to Aldershot to the quarantine camp. When we got there when were marching on the road we passed Rolie. I did not get a chance to talk to him but I was speaking to Sid Keary. Rolie is in this Camp to so I will be able to see him when I get out of the hospital. Aldershot camp we were at last was the rainest country I have been in yet it rains every day and lots of times all night. We were told to sleep outside of the tents at at night and when it rained at night we would have to get up and put our beds in the tent. One night we woke up and we were flooded out our blankets were all socken wet and big pool of water in our tent. This is a better camp we have huts to sleep in and everything is better all around. Well how do you like getting back on the farm again. I guess it will seem a little quieter than Vancouver to you. I supposed the harvesting will be nearly all over and the weather will be settling down for the winter. When I get out of this hospital I will get leave with the rest of the boys I came across with they are due for leave on Tuesday next. The bunch Rolie was with just got back from leave. Sick men are coming in to this hospital all the time there seems to be a lot of what they call Spanish influenza going about just now. Well I guess I will have to close now as I have not much more to say at present. Hoping this finds you in the best of health enjoying yourself as much as ever.

with kindest regards
your friend
Norman Bryce.

P.S. Dont forget to write soon as I always appreciate a letter from Canada. I will write again soon myself.

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