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Date: January 15th 1943
Mother - (Florence Grace Gray)
John Teaton Gray

Ord Smn Gray
H.M.C.S. Brunswick

Dear Mother;

At last I have time to write to you. I’m still alive after a week in the Royal Canadian Navy. The people in St. John are very nice to the navy boys. We have a party nearly every night free of charge.

You know that navy scarf you made for the Salvation army? Well it would make you proud to see how much the sailors appreciate the work you do for them.

I like the navy fine as much as I’ve seen of it. It’s a little tough at times, but tough work does you good.

I had rather a problem getting into uniform the first few times but now it is easy.

I only get one long weekend while I’m down here. That means I’ll only get home once while I’m in St. John. If it isn’t against regulations.

How are all the folks around home? Did Alfred King go to prayer-meeting as he said he would? I don’t Imagine he did.

Tell Marjorie I’ll bring her present when I come home.

Are Huldie and Miller over across the river or are they home. I would like to see them. Tell her to write to me if you can get word to her.

I’m writing this letter in the seamans mess on board ship. I’m on duty watch, but as I have all my work done I am writing to you. The boys are all sitting around writing as I am. They’re all very fine boys.

I hope I haven’t put anything against regulations in this letter as it will be censored. If parts are blacked out you’ll know why. Well watch is up and I must go ashore. I hope I’ll be home soon.

Your sailor-boy


[Editor’s note: The letter was dated from the envelope’s censor stamp date of “15/1/43”.]

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