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Date: August 28th 1945
Newspaper Article

War Services Recognized by Navy Awards to Lt. Hampton Gray of Nelson, Ab. Robert Smith of Trail

OTAWA Aug. 28 (CP) —
The Royal Canadian Navy announced late today 25 operational awards to Canadian naval personnel for services at sea, ashore and in the air from the North Atlantic to the South Pacific and from before V-E day until the end of the Pacific war.

Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for courage in action against the Japanese was Lt. Robert Hampton Gray of Nelson, B.C., serving in the Far East with the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm, who has since been reported missing in action over Japan. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gray, 815 Baker Street, Nelson.

Crew members of the Bangor minesweeper Guysborough, torpedoed in the North Atlantic in March with the loss of five officers and 48 men, given posthumous mention in dispatches included Ab. William T. Mountain, Calgary.

Among the awards were:
   “For services in action against an enemy submarine.”
   Distinguished Service Cross: Lt.-Cmdr. Howard Lee Quinn of Victoria.

Distinguished Service Medal: Ab. Robert William Smith of 2229 Riverside Ave., Trail, B.C.

Mention in dispatches: ERA. William Thomas of Vancouver.
   “For good services in successful actions against U-boats”:

D.S.C.: Lt.-Cmdr. Orme Gordon Stuart of Vancouver.
   ‘‘For courage in action against the Japanese”:

D.S.C.: Sub-Lt. William Henry Atkinson of Winnipeg.

D.S.C.: Lt. Robert Hampton Gray of 815 Baker St., Nelson, B.C. (missing on active service over Japan).

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