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Date: October 19th 1917

46th Batt
no. 255918 B. Coy.
Oct 19th 1917

Dear Fred.

Just a few lines in ans to your welcome letter which I rec to-day and glad to hear that you are still well as this leaves me not too bad at present.

How is the old forks these days. I guess you have nearly finished threshing by now and busy planning a way to spend some of your harvest money. Well Fred I got your letter saying you sent the Dauphin paper but I have not got the paper’s yet, but there is a lot of time for them to get here.

We are having fair weather here. It is pretty cold at night now and I guess the winter weather has set in for it rains every other day.

How is Mrs Tilt these days. Is she still nurseing or has she retired. I have not saw any of our boys from home here yet I guess most of them are either back in Blighty or over where there is no winter the hot place. (Nough Said) I hear that old Tom Lockheart is dead. & what is his sister doing now. I suppose she will be putting her hooks on some of them old batchelors around there I don’t wish her any bad luck but I hope she goes off like old Tom

Well Fred I guess I wont be back for XMAS so don’t let the old forks get down hearted because we are not back. I rather like the lay of the country over here I guess old france was a pretty nice place to take a vacation in civil life. How is the shinks place coming along this year. I guess between the weeds and thistles it wont be up to much for a crop or two Well fred I guess I will ring off as there is not much to talk about so good luck to your self and the rest of the family I remain your sincere friend

Art Shannon

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