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Date: December 1st 1944
Jean Latham
Frank Latham

F Latham P/O
Reykjavik (s)
Iceland (c)
R.C.A.F. Overseas
Dec 1/44

Dearest Jeanie.-

The mail came in yesterday but there was none for me one letter from you in three weeks is not good! I was going to give a big blast but I dont feel like it now, but I was sure mad when I found there was no mail yesterday We had our weekly party last nite and it was quite a success the weather was bad so none of the crews were away so it was quite a big affair. I think I’ll take in the show on the station to-nite and go to bed early I’ve felt pretty tough all day to-day. with no mail yesterday naturally I got pretty bad last nite but I’m paying for it to-day.. I dont know what to write about darling except I love you and think of you constantly so I had better hear from you next week or I’ll go nuts (well worse than usual anyway) So darling good nite for now with all my love & kisses


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