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Date: November 16th 1944
Frank Latham
Jean Latham

Suite 7 Victoria Blk.
Moose Jaw Sask
Nov. 16th 1944.

Dearest Frank:

Thank you for your nice letter and also the rug which arrived last Monday Nov. 13th I hope you had a nice leave in Scotland To-day is a beautiful day and I must soon get ready to go out but as usual I’ll probably get going after the sun goes down. I bowled Tuesday and then the children & I had dinner with your mother, she was telling me about your Uncle Percy passing away. The rug you sent is so nice for the floor as I have it thrown over the back of our one & only big chair, perhaps sometime you could pick me up a nice bedspread is Iceland. I really haven’t been out very much since I’ve been home. Mother had gone to Saskatoon & then will proceed to Winnipeg.

To-day I am going to take the Baby bills to the Legion, the [?] bd. cannot deal with it, you being an officer makes an awful difference. The funeral is paid for. I paid that myself it was $100 and the other expenses came to $500 I haven’t received the baby’s Insurance I don’t know what is going to happen there, if Mr. Parker was telling me there maybe an investigation but I didn’t know there was anything wrong with the baby and he said the baby looked normal to him when he was insured so there really isn’t much they can do about it. Well my darling I shall close for now. Write soon

Love & Kisses from us all

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