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Date: November 11th 1944
Jean Latham
Frank Latham

FW Latham P/O
Reykjavik (s)
Iceland (c)
R.C.A.F. Overseas
Nov. 11/44

Dearest Darling.-

Well Here it is armistice day (I sure wish it was for this one) I finally managed to make an envelope out of two so as I could send the picture to you of the officers in this squadron. The weather is pretty mean again to-nite and we have to make a trip early in the morning so I wont stay up very late to-nite must have my beauty sleep. I hope you have things settled a bit now. The four if us in the hut here are all grouped around the heater (in our living room?) writing letters I must write at least once a day I hope you are getting them ok I sent around five letter to Canada to be mailed there (all though there is nothing in them except to tell you I love you and miss you

We spend most of our time playing bridge and cribbage (that is our spare time) I’m sure getting in an awful way for clothes (work clothes) my battle dress is so thin you can spit thru it and acid has eaten a big hole at the knee, and we cant get any up here so I’ll just have to make it last until I go on leave (and is it ever filthy dirty) I haven’t received your cigarettes yet darling but please don’t send any more they are quite cheap here about 12¢ a pkge. but are they ever expensive in the U.K. it cost around 33¢ for 10 and are they ever horrible. Those mits had better get here though that is something there isnt around here. I got a pair of oxfords in town last week (there not bad) for sixty three Kronur. Well love of my life I guess that is all for to-nite so until to-morrow all my love and kisses


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