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Date: June 9th 1917

June 9th 1917

Dear Winnie: –

I wrote you twice since I last received a letter from you.

I'm still at Brigade. A little stunt was pulled off last night which was very successful. The Battn. I used to be in did great work as usual.

The Fritzies who were taken were not up to much. Some are old & others very young. There clothes were old & patched – some had new trousers & tunics. Some had civilian vests & fancy shirts on. They claim to be poorly fed & by the way they went after our friend "Mr. Bully-beef" they must have been hungry.

The fire-works last night was simply grand. Fritzy was shooting up all kinds of flares. Our artillery set something of his on fire early in the evening & kept burning all night. The flames lit up the whole place for miles around.

I see where they are going pretty strong over there after the fellows who did not sign up – even North Vancouver holding meetings.

I notice by the papers that the Dom. Gov. Employees are to be given their regular increases – that is those who are in the ranks

By all accounts Vancouver & District is picking up some.

I wonder what Harry will do now.


J. A. Corcoran


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