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Date: October 28th
Mother and Father

October 28th

Somewhere in France

Dear Mother and Father

I just received one of your very welcome letters and I am very glad to hear that you are all in good health but still waiting for Fathers arrival home.  I had a postcard from Nain saying he had arrived safe at Halifax so I have been waiting to hear from you or him any day.  I got one of the Sat Even Post last night and I cannot tell you how glad I was to receive it as I had nothing to read for some time and it certainly was welcome as you know how much I like reading as I did when I was home and so tell Auntie I am very thankful to her for sending them and I will be looking forward to them every week and will write to her soon I am sure she must be waiting for a letter.  I hope Alan and Alivena are both quite well and that Alan is much stronger and has had his teeth fixed by now and I don’t need to ask for Alivena as she looks pretty health.  I am always glad to hear all the news from there as they are very interesting to me always.  The weather is not to good here now I ask you would send me in a good pair of gloves and some very heavy socks as the conditions are kind of rough just now.  Well I must finish again Mam and with best love to everybody especially to my mother I remain as ever

Your loving son


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