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Date: June 24th 1917

Hut 4 Div. T Batt. 102 Regt. Canada

Woodcote Park


June 24th 1917

Dear Mother ar tylu

Well another little epistle from your loving son which I hope will please you very much.  Well I am getting on fine and going up to Wales this next weekend I see Nain and Uncle Pierce and all of the famous families which reside in Llanwrst and Trefriw and Machynleth and I hope I will enjoy myself.

Well and how is everybody and Auntie still going strong and happy as usual things are just the same in England still a war on, and we are getting very good hot weather and occasional morn storm I had a letter from Nain and they are all well and expecting to see me soon and a letter from Uncle Pierce and they are all well though Auntie Annie is not very well but this hot weather has done her a lot of good, but look out for the winter and how is S Van getting along quiet I suppose and absolutely dead no sign of life and Mr and Mrs. Young, has the son enlisted I am afraid he will haste to before long as they will be short of men soon and Mrs. Young will be very upset and anxious and Auntie Kate my best love to her and to Alan and Alivena and hoping I shall see them soon.  That would be glorious and the young ladies of S. Van. I hope they are all well and as good looking as ever.

I havent had a letter from my father for some time and am looking for one.  Well, ta ta now Mam bach and with best love and looking for a letter soon

I remain

your loving son


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