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Date: August 25th 1944
Helen and Howie

No.1 Advance Base

Workshop R.C.E.M.A

C.A.O 25/8/44

 Dearest Helen and Howie

How is my wife and son doing. Swell I hope as I am, I wrote you a letter the other night but it got dark to quick and I had to close. It is a swell day here it is now about 10oclock in the morning just got up about an hour ago and it is good to stay in bed on a Sun. what you think it will be we can both lay in won’t it. Will Howie let you sleep in I hope you get him so he will, just on Sun to act as our alarm and let us sleep in one day a week. Say just what is this alowance we are agreed we get when he war is over Mom said somthing about it the other day in her letter. Have you heard. And has your money come yet that I signed over to you. If it hasn’t I shal go and find out about it. Boy is the sun ever hot here just like it is at home in the summer. Shor like the Climate I must go have a bath some place today and get rid of some of this mud I have on me at present. Have you seen Mac and Kay and How are they doing How is Mae’s rommance do you think it will pan out. At least if it does I hope they can be together longer then we have. I wouldn’t wish this on any one I mean being split up. for so long.

Well what have you in mind. for us when I do get. back By the way it is your Birthday soon and Howie’s won’t be long behind you. Have to see what I can do. I don’t see any openings yet to her anything but they may have something in the store room. Well I must bring this to a close honey And be good and be careful. See that nothing happens to How which I know you will any way Remember you two are all I live for I am always thinking of you every min. of the day. All my love dearest I do love you forever

Your husband


P.S. How bout a picture of you honey Please by-by



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