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Date: January 1st 1916

Jan. 1st. 1916

No. 38681 52 Battalion

C. E. F.


Dear brother Seth ;___ Received your loving little letter, safe and sound, and very glad to hear from you. How are you all at present, did you’s eat up all that turkey I told you’s to get for christmas. Another thing did you receive all those Christmas cards I sent, I sent some to Uncle Joe’s ones as well. Kindly let me know if you received all these things. You say there is a Christmas box coming on the road, it has not arrived yet, but when it does, we will let you know. You are getting to be a better writer every day, only there is one little thing you missed in your letter, when you said. Trust in Him only, you should have put a capital letter for the word Him. I just thought I would tell you about it. You don’t need to keep the bicycles in the house the stable is good enough for them. Mr. Manuel is getting along well, him and I, and Henry is going to have our pictures taken, and send them to you. England is not as nice a place as Port Arthur is, that is the part we are in. But London is good enough. There is too much rain here Tell Delia not to burn them pancakes in the Italian pan. I am sending you a fruit-card. Trust in God and do the right is the message I have for you all to-day. Write soon.

To brother Willie, From brother Wesley

Kisses xxxxxx

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