L106508 Somewhere in England
Pte. J.L. Dureault Sept 29/44
23 Cdn General Hosp. Friday
Dear Dad & Mother & Bro & Sis.
Here I am once more or I should say at last I've been expecting a letter from you's and kept postponing and waiting for a letter to answer to I've had one from Denise and Margie Garden and I also got a letter from Elena Leitch and I was really pleased to get it but I know I'll get a letter from home tonight for sure so that's that. Well I haven't been doing much lately but read stories and what not Wed night I went up to see the padre and went to confession and yesterday afternoon I went to mass and communion and guess what I also served Mass the best I could and I'm going again tonight if I can but the M. O. is coming around at 4 P.M> and if he isn't through by4:30 P.M> well I'm late so I'm hoping he gets here soon.
Well Dad How are you not working to hard I hope take it easy Dad. Mother, Denise told me that you and Dad really got the house fixed up swell I guess I've got something to see when I get back, eh! Take care of yourself Mother. Hello Blanche how's the girl? Hello to Paul for me and all the rest of the kid's eh! Lorraine and Emilda how are you girl's behaving fine I hope. Hello Geo how's the boy behaving are you? Carmelle are you being a good girl? Many kisses to you and Maxine how are you baby Louis sends you oh! lots of kisses and hugs. Say Hello to Duke for me and tell him to be good also hello to Grandmother and all the Uncle and Aunties and I hope everybody is o.k. I'm felling fine and walking around. I asked the M.O. this morning if my leg that was injured was shorter and he said "NO" and I said it is and he said well will find out and it is shorter since my hip was pushed up an inch so I don't know the score now. I'll see and let you know I haven't had any pain what so ever so don't worry about that. I remain your son bor who loves you all so much and thinks of you very very often.
Love & Kisses xxxxxxxxxxxx