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Date: September 29th 1917

Sept. 29/17

Dear Dad:

I wrote you a couple of letters from Nottingham a week or so ago.

Arrived back at Scampton this morning minus the bus. Got a serg't mechanic down a couple of days ago but he said he could do nothing with it & that it would need a new engine so I came back to Scampton and left the bus at Ruddington under guard.

I found quite a batch of mail waiting for me when I arrived this morning three or four letters from Fern and you and a parcel and a pair of sox. Also a letter from Max.

I am anxious to know just how you are getting along. Kathleen keeps on saying that you are getting better but I do not yet hear from you except a few lines. I hope now that you have started to take a holiday you will keep it up.

Just had some of your birthday cake a few minutes ago. You must have had some party. I got the piece with 'William' on it but have as yet not choked on any button, dime, or ring.

I am trying to get down to London in a few days and will drop in and see Mr Metcalfe if I do so; also have to get some more clothes as the suit I have on at present is all over castor oil. No, I don't take it. They use it in the engines.

I really had quite a decent time in Nottingham but ate too much as usual. I do not know whether W. Jeffries is still in the hospital as I have been away for two weeks nearly but I will find out to-morrow. Max is apparently getting on very well. Says he is soon to fly Avros. They are a very nice bus and fairly easy to fly. I flew them for a little while here at first.

Have not heard from staff Lusk lately, nor have I seen anybody that I know in Canada for some time.

How are things in Canada. What do you think about conscription over there. They should have had it long ago. Nothing exceptional seems to be happening here. Just the same old steady push in France which is fairly sure but certainly pretty slow. Haven't seen anything about the subs lately but they certainly have to do a lot better than hitherto if they want to make England hungry. I couldn't want for better meals than I got in Nottingham.

I think I have done pretty well in writing this much. I intend writing Fern a letter now.

Love to all,


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