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Date: October 15th 1917

93 Ellen St -
Oct. 15th 1917
My Dear Sister
I recived your welcome letter this morning & was glad to know you were all right Well Maggie I dont know what to think you not getting your mail because has soon has I got the Word about poor Owen I wrote to you 2 weeks last Sunday & sent you two letters that Owen sent you God rest his soul may he rest in peace well Maggie Winnie got the Telegram at 10 o clock. & I knew [???] you so there was no time lost - I even tried to get you on the long distance fon but could not get you & I could not get you bye telegram for they were out on strike I had to write now Maggie you look out for your mail for there is two letters from Owen in mine that I sent on the 30th of last month Maggie it is to true the Poor Boy was killed on the 19th they were riding on some Lumber & the load over turned & he was crushed to death they told her he died a Brave Man & a good soldier & was beloved by all his Comrades there is one thing we ar pleased to know he got a full Militry Funeral they said the Union Jack was on his Coffin & they till us he lies in The Cemetry were thousands of our Brave Boys lay in France now Maggie if you get this Winnie said she will Copy the 3 letters she got & send them to you now Maggie you write to her for the sake of the Poor little children for if you seen Poor little Owen he just looks like his Father did when he was left without him now Maggie

have much to spend when I get there
I suppose it is winter over there by now but winter is a lot better then the rain the people get over here I dont think I would live in this country for anything
Well I think I will close for now
I remain your Loveing
Son Owen
write to me often it is pretty nice to get letters from home

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