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Date: December 12th 1916

22nd Howitzer Battery
6th Brigade Artillery, C.F.A.
France Dec 12/16
Dear Mother
I received your letter of nov 9 and was sure glad to hear from you that is the first mail I got sence I come to France. I am in a pretty good place here I have not lost a night sleep and have a pretty good place to sleep in but we have no fire and it is cold at nights tell John I am sorry I can not send him those English candy but will try and send him something as soon as I get the new address.
I got a letter from Harry and he is in england yet and he dont seem to like England but waite till he gets to France and he will think england is a home.
I just got a parcle from you and thanks for it. I got a letter from Fred King and he tells me it wrote it in bed he must be sick
Well I think I will have to close for this time so Good bye I remain your Loven Son

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