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Date: March 6th 1916
James Fargey

Mar 6th/16

My Dear Mother,

I had a letter from Frank the other day and expect one from you any day. It snowed here yesterday and it makes things rather wet. We are in tents now although it isn't very wet and we are in very comfortable quarters. We expect to go into the trenches in a few days with an old battalion se they can break us in. Eats are very dear here and if it wouldn't be too much trouble could you send a box on as it would taste nice after coming out of the trenches. I have met several fellows who have been out here for a year and safe yet; and believe me I'm going to keep my head down. I suppose Father will be home by the time this letter reaches you and looking fine after his trip. How is the weather now and has the snow began to move away yet. I guess it is the worst winter you have had for several years.

Well Mother I have some news to tell you. You mightn't be pleased at first but I think you will consider it I have started to smoke. Not smoking steady but take a pipeful of tobacco occasionally. It gets so lonesome some times in the tent that it helps to pass the time away. I don't smoke very much but I considered it before I stared and I thought that you wouldn't mind it considering the circumstances. Well Mother I thought I would tell you because I didn't want to keep anything back. Well there isn't very much news. With love to all. Anotehr chum of mine from Winnipeg and I read our chapter by candlelight every night.

From your loving Son

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