Jan 27th/17.
Mrs Henry Johns
Elimville Ont.
Dear Mother:- I received a letter from you last night at 12 P.M. when I came in off post and was very glad to hear from you. I also got my Box that the Exeter ladies sent. It is very nice I think. I have not opened all of it yet. I suppose you will think that it is a long time since I last wrote you. Well I have been very busy latly so that is my excuse this time. The only time we have just now is from 12. at noon until 4 in afternoon and 12 at night until 6 A.M. I can sleep most of that time. After I get my 3 meals out of that time.
Please excuse my scribble-ing as I am writing this on the paper box resting on my knee half sitting up. I hope this finds you all well as I am well myself. I have a little cold but thats nothing. The weather has undergone a change this last week. The sky has been clear night and day. It is frozen hard more like Canada there is also a little snow. It is cold standing out at night. I am a little short of mitts I lost one pair, another walked away and so I have just that thin pair of gloves that I bought at camp Borden. Last night I was a pretty sight. had on 5 coats and 5 sand bags on each leg to keep warm. My sleeping cap pulled down over my face and neck. I could see through that hole that is in it. You would have set the dog on me if you had seen me coming in the lane. You mabe think that I can not move with so much on but you just leave that to me I'd take care of that part. Tell Edith that I'll write her a letter as soon as I get time. The fore part of next week am able. I have had one shave, wash in 16 days so you can judge the color of my hands. I am letting my mustache grow. I pretty near ruined it last night lighting a smoke by a candle and so burned one side off. Well I must close now and try to get an hour sleep.
With love, Earl.