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Date: September 16th 1918
Charles Willoughby


Sept 16/1918.

My Dear Mother:

The mail-man woke out of his long coma today and presented me with no less than eight letters. Four of them came from a source I do not need to mention. One came from Margaret Glass. One from Lorene, one from Mrs Frost & one from yourself. I was becoming somewhat disgusted with the mails lately but today put me in quite good humor again.

Well mother I am again back with the Ambulance. I was sorry to leave the battalion as they were such an exceptionally congenial crowd of officers but I really have no complaints about the crowd here. Then when we go into action next time it will be our turn to do the "rest station" which is rather an acceptable job after our tour "in the line". So you have absolutely no reasons to worry.

This week has meant a good deal of changing about and a rather busy time of it. We have had a good deal of moving and marching which means a good deal for a medical officer to look after as he not only has a larger number of work than usual but also the sanitation of each new camp to look after. However I enjoyed being real busy again for a while. It seemed somewhat like old times again.

The weather has been rather dampish lately. Not the continuous bright sunshine days like we have been having all summer However we still have no reasons to complain.

In the earlier part of the week I took my pony out a few afternoons and one day I was fortunate enough to find my old barge It was out for an ‘airing' and looked quite good indeed. I was very glad to see Sister Learworth again and she says she was equally pleased to see me. Any how it seemed quite like old times again. I had tea on board and was supposed to return again next afternoon but it couldnt be done.

I am at present in rather an interesting section of country. The scenery is very ordinary indeed. I have been doing a good deal of riding during my spare time and today an American officer, with this division, and I went to a town about six miles away We heard it was quite a quaint and interesting place and so it was. By all means it was the most ancient looking town I have seen yet in France. The old time walls with their wide moat are still as they must have been centuries ago. The town-hall was one of the most antique looking places I have ever seen. with its high square tower and a [?] of chime-bells up in the belfry. Then there was still in fair condition, the remains of an old monastery. Everything about the place seemed about as ancient as agood many things out East.

Curiously enough some of my barge friends happened to have wondered around up that way for a change and when I saw the old familiar numbers I called around to see them again.

I got the grandest letter from Mrs Frost today. If ever I was to tell you all she said about the fine time she had in Toronto and the people who showed her a good time there would be ample room for conceit in the Willoughby family. It certainly is quite evident you people have given Maryon and her one of the best times they ever hope to have and made a most extremely favourable impression while doing so. Mrs Frost almost says that You, Father & Lorene are the most wonderful people she has met. And I dont think Mrs Frost is the kind to say things she doesn't altogether mean. So you can see your efforts to show them a good time were most successful.

Lorene seemed a little upset that I should be writing comparatively so many more letters to Maryon than home. I dont think she was really serious when she said it But still she meant a little of it. Surely you hardly expect me to write home every other day too. I enjoy writing home very much but somehow I think you would naturally expect me to write more often to Maryon. As long as I catch each weeks mail boat and tell you how things are going with me there really is nothing much more one can do. I don't think Lorene meant we to take her seriously but in case she did mean me to take it as she wrote it I thought I had better mention the subject. - The fact that I naturally write more to Maryon each week than I do home doesn't necessarily mean I think less of home than I always have done. Well, Hardly! I know you understand mother.

What can have happened to Jack Shapten I hope there is nothing seriously wrong. It may be that he has been so exceptionally busy that he couldn't find a chance to write. That Airos Show must have been busy a busy one for him. By now no doubt they have heard from him. I hope so.

If father is really serious about the new farm proposition and insists on starting with a place with a good brook through it. I would say he should go further north East. Twenty five miles is not far these days. However it all rests with him and what he thinks best. He must suit himself.

I think I have spread this out into rather a long letter again. I am sorry I appear to have just missed Stewart again. but some day we may run into each other. Any how with any luck we may have English leave together during October. It may be that I may see Ralph Musson some of these days.

