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Date: February 15th 1917

February 15th, 1917

Dearest Mother;

Sent you a letter about a week ago I think it was the 7th and must drop you a few lines tonight. We were paid this evening and Conrad and I went down and got a few eggs and some eats at the Chaplain Service. Were down to the pictures last night and they were very good. It is quite of treat out here to see a good moving picture show, especially some of Charlie Chaplin. They have a splendid brass band and the music alone is worth twice the admission fee. Winter has not left us yet although the snow is gradually going. It's often quite soft for a few hours a day but freezes quite hard at night. The snow, however, is quite treat to us Canadians and we do not mind a touch of winter at all; in fact we would rather a touch of it than the mud and rain that will be our lot in the next few days.

We are still on the same old job and expect to be here for at least two weeks yet. Have just got word there are some more huts to go up which will mean at least a week extra. Are working on the first huts we put up, dividing them into offices etc. and putting up stoves and fireplaces.

We haven't had any mail yet this week. We expected some yesterday and today but it didn't come. Likely it will be along tomorrow. Did you find the picture I mentioned in my last letter. It was very good. Was down to church Sunday night. We had a splendid service and a communion service after for which quite a number stayed. This is the first time I have been to a communion service since coming to France.

Just now some of the boys who were up at the battery came in with mail. Your letter of January 22 and parcel of the same date and a letter from Clemmie, also letters from Lorne Lea and Nelson McEwen. Have not opened parcel yet want to thank you very much for it. I see chicken on the outside so do it must be good. You speak in your letter about not sending parcels. Now Mother I don't want you to worry about that for we are able to get almost anything we want here, - not like it was on the Somme and there is no need of you sending nearly so much.

It has just started to rain, the first rain we have had for some time. I expect all our snow will be gone in the morning. Saw by today's paper where Sir Douglas Haig says that this year will see victory and the war over. I hope he is right for I think all of us will have had enough of it by the end of this year. Personally I think Fritz is pretty well on his last legs.

Now Mother I think I must say goodnight and drop a line to Clemmie. The boys are all talking and that makes it hard to write. I will right you in a few days.

Love to all and a very large share for yourself from your loving soldier son, Harold
