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Date: December 3rd 1918
Toronto Women's Alliance
Clarence Cruikshank

Dec. 3/18
Perchen, France,

Dear Mrs. Edwards;-

I have just received the "joy parcel" whcih the Alliance so kindly sent me for Christmas and wish through you to thank them for their thoughtfulness. As you see it arrived some time before Cristmas but was none the less appreciated on that account.

The sweater is just what I needed and is a perfect fit. Notwithstanding the fact that the war is over. I expect I will be here for most of the winter. So far the weather has been rather mild and bright but I suppose it will likely settle down into the usual miserable
(2327618 [?] C.W. Cruickshank, Canadian Garrison Arty. Reinf. Depot. France)
winter weather peculiar to France.

I suppose there was soem time in Toronto when the armistice was signed and it must be ab immens releif to the people at home to know that after so many weary years the war is at last over and the casualty lists have ceased to appear in the newspapers.

I was in [?] on the night of the eleventh. It was a fine mild moonlight evening and everyone was out trying to work off their good spirits. There were torchlight processions, fires and flares lighted in the streets and Canadian bands playing the "Marseillaise". [?] is quite a nice town and practically undamaged.

The Belgian people were very glad to see us and gave us a royal welcome though some of the fair sex were so demonstrative they scared the more bashful members of our party out of a year's growth.

They told us many stories of the German occupation and they seemed to welcome a change of "boarders" where we were billeted. Our family told us that when Fritzie moved out he took everything he could lay his hands on-even the common kitchen cutlery.

They took all the Belgian coin with them and when we arrived and bought anything we had to take German mark notes in change. It is practically the only money in circulation in Belgium at present.

I have seen a number of interesting things but consider I am lucky to come through safe and sound.

With the best wishes to the Alliance and all my friends in the Church I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Clarence W. Cruikshank
