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Date: June 16th 1918
William McLellan

June 16 (1918)

Dear Folks:

Just a note to enclose a bunch of cards. You'll see by the collection that I've been living high lately. It took a long time for them to get here but they have been coming for a few days now & aught to keep it up.

We're still out on rest and having a jake time. The H.Q. Coy managed to get the cup on B'n sports day by one point and a half. Poor old "C" Coy couldn't get in the running at all this year. They took the cup last hear by a big margin but Tom Riley was the main point getter then. Tuesday is Brigade Sports day and the B'n as Divisional Sports I aught to have a chance of seeing some of the fellows in the 49th and Pats. It's almost impossible to see them now for I don't know where they are.

Had another letter from Fred Fansher last night. He is pretty badly shot up I guess. A letter came last night from Flora enclosing a couple snaps - many thanks.

This is all today - many thanks for the parcels.

Love to Everybody Bill

P.S. Take a dollar out of my allowance about every two weeks and send it eh! I don't want too much but enough to jingle in my jeans. It dosen't need to be registered.

