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Date: August 16th 1946
Mrs. Scandiffio
B. F. Corheleau (RCAF, Records Officer)

Royal Canadian Air Force
Ottawa, Canada
16th August, 1946

Mrs. M. Scandiffio,
336 Hillsdale Avenue E.,
Toronto 12, Ontario

Dear Mrs. Scandiffio:

It is a privilege to have the opportunity of you sending you the operational wings and certificate in recognition of the gallant services rendered by your son Warrant Officer Class 2 T.P. Scandiffio.

I realize there is little which may be said or done to lessen your sorrow, but it is my hope that these "wings", indicative of operations against the enemy, will be a treasured memento of a young life offered on the altar of freedom in defence of his Home and Country.

Yours sincerely,
B. F. Corheleau

(W.A. Dicks) G/C
R.C.A.F. Records Officer
