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Date: May 13th 1943
Mother and Ann

F/Sgt. Scandiffio, F.M.
R.A.F. Overseas
B.P.O. India Command

Mrs. Scandiffio
31 Yarmouth Gardens
Toronto, Ontario

May 13, 1943

Dear Mom and Ann,

I finally got the wrist watch and in perfect condition too. It's a "Solar Birkdale," blue case, guarantee, and what not. Thanks Mom for the birthday card that went with it. Mom I can send Mike's watch to a jeweler and have it overhauled. It still keeps perfect time but needs a new crystal and a good cleaning. I'm glad to hear the good news about Mike's new position and more babies. Congratulations Mike! That's the spirit, Margaret, a redhead. A red headed Scandiffio, I'm smiling can it be a mirage? A song for dear Margaret. Since I've arrived in India I've received your letter of Dec28th, your letter of Jan 18 (and mom's note) and two blades, your air letters of feb 25 and mar 9 and of course the wrist watch. But nothing else as yet. The other boys are getting their parcels ok from Canada so I guess mine should be here in due time. I'm glad you sent me the clipping about Roger Juneau. I've often wondered what he was getting himself into. So Tom is in Malta. That island is known as the battleship.

I hope you got my letter and cables from------. Of course I'm in Bombay right now, sort of seeing what the other side of the world looks like. You can quote me as saying, "Its not so hot it's horrid." I understand that salmon, butter, eggs, etc are rationed in Canada, everything for the forces. Oh yeah, keep it all in Canada there at least you know who is getting it all. Beef, carrots and potatoes the same again and again, etc. I have enough to buy good food every day but I pity the poor boys who can't. Enough of this.

Love to mom, the Passes, Collinses, Scandiffio, Nonna, Aunts and everybody concerned.


PS Your letters take 4-5 months
Your air letters 2-3
