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Date: December 18th 1942

404 Squadron R.C.A.F.
Dec. 18, 1942

Hello Everybody:

Well, I have time for another effort so here goes. How is everything? I guess by the time you get this it will be pretty cold over there. Today it is just like summer here with the sun shining for once. I think it's the first time in 3 weeks. I got your letter, Ma, day before yesterday, and it got there just after I arrived back from leave. Yes, I saw Jim and we had a grand old gab session. I wasn't with him long but it sure was great to get together again after a year & a half. From Wales, where I last wrote you I went to Birmingham where we met on the Sat. before coming back. I met Austy at the station where a cousin of his chum from Port Albert did also and she showed us around, took us to her place and we had a grand time. I had my old [bags?] along so we really went to town. They gave us a chicken dinner too on Sunday. On Monday morning went to Yorkshire to his (Austy's) aunt's place and talk about a feed there, I sure did little but eat this leave. On Tues. aft. we came back here and arrived on the station on Wed. morning after a fairly successful 16 days. I'm caught up on my leave now so can settle down to so-called work for another 3 months. I got an invitation to a turkey supper and party up town the day I got back, so last nite I went to that and we went to sleep—right at the party—at 4 o'clock and got up at six to catch the bus, so I'm keeping the fire in between winks this afternoon. It was a great time tho. A chum here goes to this place all the time and they have 3 university students there, so when they finished their exams they threw a party & we got in on it. I guessed we had my Christmas turkey already.

When I got back from leave there was plenty of mail waiting for me and a parcel from the Red Cross & also from Barbara [brother Elmer's wife]. It sure was a very pleasant surprise. The Red Cross gave me another pair of socks, so I am fairly well set now for socks.

Was sure glad to hear your pullets are doing so well. I wouldn't mind having one of those 4 or 6 egg suppers any time now. I have a dozen I brought from the Shetlands and I dare say they are still good—I hope. I guess you still have quite a bit of milking to do. Make as much money out of that old farm as you can and then after the war, sell it and take a rest, is my advice. It sure is high time you had one.

The boys are sure beginning to make Hitler look about, eh? I figure they'll be in France from this side (north) inside a couple of months. Its purely a guess but just wait and see. It can't be too soon. I sure hate to think of the people in Europe who are almost starving right now and what it'll be like before spring. They sure will need a lot of that No. 1 bacon of Pa's when we get to ‘em.

Barbara's letter seems to be very much an attempt to cheer me up, but I don't know what made her think I was home-sick, lonesome or whatever you call it. In fact, I'm having the time of my life and wouldn't have missed this for anything. I wish the rest of the boys felt that way. Unfortunately most of them are so cheesed they'd almost now go back home if given the chance. I can't see the reason at all for their attitude but it sure prevails. They are a little ignorant of facts I guess and think everything should be handed them on a plate. Their arguments are often so foolish you'd think they were 10 year old kids. There's nothing wrong with this country that can't be cured by the extraction of those two rotten molars, class distinction & tradition. Those two almost drive us wacky sometimes when we hear of some of the circumstances in which they make such a mountain out of a mole hill. However we laugh it off & say that in Canada "a man's a man for a' that".

I guess I've done enough lecturing etc. for today. I hope you had a Merry Christmas Pa, Ma, Ed, Berne, Bunny, and Bet & I shore reckon I'll be seein' y'all right smartly—thanks to the Yanks, so as they say over here

