M.A.C. Winnipeg, Nov. 10, '13.
Mr. A. Gowler
Grenfell, Sask.
Dear Abe: -
I received my first letter from home on Saturday and was very pleased to hear that threshing was finished and that the wheat turned out pretty well. Have been watching the price every day and it seems to keep pretty close to 82 ¢. That is a little better than it was when I left and if the grain only grades no. 1 things may look a littler easier than they did. I know however that even if the best is realized that it means a lot of close figuring and worry before final adjustments are made. I would like to see Rosevear and the Milling Co. squared up with, more than any other outstanding debts, for with Rosevear at least there will be practically nothing coming from 31 next year as nearly all of it must be summer fallowed.
I have got pretty well down to work now and am getting to feel at home in the new surroundings. The new College is certainly a swell place. If you are in Winnipeg this winter it will be well worth while coming out to see it. The buildings are the very best that money could put up and the equipment is all that could be desired. All the woodwork inside is quartercut oak even to the floors. The furniture is oak and the bath-room and all finishings are marble. The dining room has a seating capacity of 600 and it is beautifully laid out. This year also we are seated 4 girls & 4 boys at a table, so that helps some. In the old College we were not allowed to look at a girl scarcely but now meals are servered in great style and we get acquainted more easily than formerly. In place of 4 waitresses in previous years there are about 25 now, so it is not necessary to throw things on the table as they were before. The grub end of College life has always been the great bugbear but now we are satisfied. Our auditorium seats 1200 and gives ample room for entertainments. I had the doubtful pleasure of making a speech in it a few nights ago. Some idea of the size of the residence might be had when you imagine ¾ of a mile of corridors in it. The building is 550 feet long and had 4 wings running back about 300 feet. Besides the residence there are about 15 other buildings that are proportionately as good. But I must not draw too lurid a picture of College life lest you may think I shall not be satisfied to return to the farm. In spite of the pleasures of city life the farms looks good to me. I look forward to the time when through careful management and good farming we may get into pure bred stock.
I started this letter nearly a week ago as this is now the 16th but something turned up to prevent me from finishing it and I neglected it until now. This is Sunday and the first Sunday we have had cars running out here. Roy Branridge and Fred Sim were out today looking over things. They are both at Medical now.
A great of time had been taken up since coming back in getting the organizations such as Literary Societies, Athletic Association and Y.M.C.A. running and as yet I have not down much studying. Next week however I am going to get down to it in earnest.
I have not yet had a chance to call around to Mrs. Stevens' as it is so far to the city and I don't go any oftener than is necessary.
The Stock Judging Team for Chicago is to be chosen tomorrow. Those elegible have been narrowed down to 8 and the final 5 are to be announced tomorrow. These 8 men having judging at Brandon Carberry and other places where they is good stock for the last week with the idea of finally deciding the team. That is one honor I shall never gain as there are so many better judges than I am.
The usual series of inter-class debates starts the first week in December and we expect some interesting times.
I notice by the "Sun" that electricity has at last become a reality in Grenfell. I hope it proves successful.
There is one very important item I must not fail to omit in this letter and it is in regard to finances. I find that I shall required another $25 ºº to see me through to Christmas. I have tried to be particularly economical this year but the fact remains I couldn't possibly do it on $150 ºº. If you can possibly spare that amount ebfore the 1st of Dec. I shall be eternally grateful. I know you are busy but I would be glad to hear from you anytime you feel like writing.
With kindest regards to all,
I remain,