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Date: January 10th 1917

Witley Camp,
Jan. 10, 1917.
Dear Lillian:

Your weekly letter received. I also received Aunt Bessie's and wrote her a day or two ago. We had a case of mumps in the hut last week and have been quarantined for seven days. They won't let us out for seven more and staying in isnt very nice. The only warm place is right up against the stove.

We are having what is probably the coldest weather and last night the ground froze hard. There has been no snow here, but I saw by the papers that up North they had about five feet.

Last night they took us out at about seven o'clock and we went with the company to the trenches. They were digging, and we couldn't mix with them, we were used to put up wire entanglements. The place is way up on a hill and we got the full sweep of the wind. We got in about one a.m. and had a lunch (tea and hardtack) before we turned in. This morning we didn't go out until 9:30.

Aunt Bessie said that she was sending a parcel. It hasn't arrived yet, and I have received only a Standard and two Chronicles that you sent. The rest of the papers must have gone astray.

Kingston O'Donaghue has been trying for a transfer to a wireless corps. I think his uncle is in command of it. I don't blame him for trying as he is an operator and the work will come easy to him. I don't know how the transfer is coming on, but he is still here.

There were several cases of mumps in the battalion and the other companies have hut quarantined too. They can't leave very well without us, but I expect we shall go soon after the quarantine is lifted.

I haven't heard from home for a while. I wrote Dad last week. Suppose everything down that way is the same as usual.

Must finish this off and try to get someone to post it to catch tomorrow's mail.



I didn't get this away last night but shall send it today. Just received your letter mailed Christmas day. Also had a card from Cochrane.

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