Letter from Pte. Enos Grant
Dear Ones at Home:
Just a few lines to let you know that I am still alive. We are in the trenches, and this is our seventh day. I don't know when I shall be going out. It is quiet now, not being much doing. Send me some magazines. It would come so nice when we are in the trenches to have some reading, one can pass the time better. I got a letter from Mr. W. Magladery, and he said he saw my letter in the paper, and he sent me some photos of the boys in the 3rd contingent leaving New Liskeard, and they were fine. It is all right in the trenches now. One can cook for oneself. It is all right so long as we keep our heads below. Well, how is everything at home. Kind of slow I expect, since I am not there. If you see Earl tell him to write. Well, send along some papers, and good-bye for the present.