My Dearest Alice,
I just received a letter today that you mailed on April 27th. It has been over to France and I could not be found. In it you said Mr. Bathe had gone to Ottawa. Do you mean that he has enlisted for active service? If he has, I think it is a great shame. I told you in my last letter about trouble in town last week. One of the results is that our three batteries are each confined to barracks one night in three. That is in case of any more trouble they can send a full battery downtown to stop it. I hope it does not happen again. So you think Hobbs has got in with a tough bunch. Well I hope he likes it. You say you have had some bad thunderstorms. It has been very dry here lately until today. We were way out in the country with the guns and it began to rain in torrents. We just got wet through then we came home and had dinner and changed clothes. We were on gun drill all afternoon. I wish we were going over to France. We are tired of being here now. Do you know how all the boys are getting on now? I have been trying to locate them but can't. Did you ever send any papers to me? If you have done so I have never got them. I have enclosed a few pictures of myself and one of Eddie Clift and myself. I hope you will like them. Dear Alice, who was it who told you that the war will last six years. I don't think it will last quite so long as that but I think it will last a while yet. But Alice, I don't want to see you gray-haired as you say you will be. I am in an awful hurry writing this as I have only got a few minutes to catch this mail. I will write you a long letter tomorrow. So goodbye darling for now. Give my kind regards to Ma, Pa and Lily. My best love to you Dearest.
I remain,
Your ever-loving Boy Boy
Please don't get angry with this short letter. If I write any more now I will lose the mail.