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Date: March 23rd 1917

Bramshot Hants 19th Res B'n "D" Coy
March 23,1917

Dear Folks:

The big Canadian mail came in yesterday and great was the joy there. Mac got his mail first & got 12 letters -- then I got my later and beat him by three Six of them were from home dated all the way from Jan 30 till Feb 23rd. I sure had a feast. We've been at the ranges all week and for the last four days we've been expecting Canadian mail so we made a record trip home every night -- it was the same old - "No mail" - till yesterday and then luck changed. The parcels haven't arrived yet but I'm sure looking for them.

It's quite a jaunt out to the ranges -- seven miles and all paved roads. It got my feel the first day or so but its jake now. We carry a pack of course & rifle -- in other words- full-marching order --but fourteen miles isn't so far. We get a new officer every day tho'. It's funny to see them look so "all-in" at the end of the day and then not show up for a few days. They have to carry a pack out there too & they aren't used to it.

Mac & I planned on going to Whitley next Sunday but Mac is going to Aldershop to take a course in musketry so I guess we'll have to call it off. The 202nd are there and a bunch more we know. Its only seven miles from here and good roads.

Lawrence isn't wounded very bad. He had the bullet taken out is feeling fine now. I think he'll be in England soon. Reg didn't get into the air corps after all. He is back in France as far as I know. I haven't heard from him for quite awhile = but I had a letter from Burnie a few days ago & he said Reg was "up-line" then. Burnie hasn't been at the front yet but has been doing fatigue work at the base. I guess they have so many soldiers over there now they don't know what to do with ‘em. Things are looking pretty rosy over there now and the causalities are light too. Jaff is taking a course in gymnastics at Shorncliff so won't be back for another month. He'll be a regular contortionist when he gets.

Yes I'll get a real photo for you soon as I find a place to get decent one taken. I've only been down to Haselmere once & that was one Sunday P.M. when Mac & I strolled down. Its quite a little town & lots of interesting places. We went thro' a museum - a sort of Natural History place. Flora would have been interested. It w as real good.

This if all for now. I'll write more news on Sunday -- it we're not on the ranges.

Here's hoping I get the boxes soon. The card is a good advance agent believe me.

As ever


