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Date: December 6th 1917


Dear Folks:

Well this is my birthday and between you & me I've had quite a celebration. You see my mail has been held up at the B'n and last might was the first I got since coming to the school and I had to make two trips to carry it all from the P.O. back to the hut. All I got was eight trips to carry it all from the P.O. back to the hut. all I got was eight parcels and four rolls of magazines & paper. These & two of the parcels were from the States & I'm writing there tonight too. Wy sent me another case of cigarettes - the same as I got in July - and Marg & Flora sent a bog box full of everything imaginable in the eats line. I certainly had some collection around my bunk and the best of it is I'm here alone -- that is none of the fellows are here so I didn't have to treat the hut. Believe me the cake was great - I got quite a supply now & have a regular meal every time I come off parade & before I roll in at night. the helmet & cloves & scarf Flora made are certainly nifty aren't they? and are right in line this weather. The helmet will be A1 in the line too. I made a mistake too with Chief's parcel - you see I opened it up before I noticed the label and anyway Chief was at the B'n - quite a ways from here so I couldn't very well save it for him. I saw him Sunday & told him how I enjoyed it and how good it was but I don't know if he appreciated my telling him or not. I'll see him again Saturday and I've saved a piece of the cake & some candy for him anyway.

We had arranged for a big re-union Sunday - last - but it wasn't as big as we expected. You know Brownie is an Instructor at a Divisional School a few miles away & one of our old Coy Serg'ts -Herb Valeus- is there too so I went down there & Chief & Geo. McPherson came down & the bunch of us were going to hunt up Chuck & Burnie but we found out that both their B'n's had moved so we couldn't give them the surprise we intended. Still we had the satisfaction of shooting Brownie & Herb an awful line of hot air about our last show. Alex Huff is instruction at the school too but I couldn't locate him.

I heard that Fred Fancher had got a Blighty but I don't now how bad. If it isn't too serious he's lucky for he'll miss the winter in the line. I haven't heard from him yet but perhaps you have. Stan Raitt went out sick before the show but I don't know where he is. He isn't back with the B'n yet.

Chief told me Sunday that I'm nineteenth on the list for Blighty leave & he is twentieth so we will most likely go together. He has been in Edinburgh before so he'll know a little about the town. I'm going to see all there is to see in the country. Marj Martin gave me the add of an aunt of hers in Glasgow but I've lost it so I don't suppose I can hunt them up. We haven't any ancient ancestors I can hunt up have we ? I'd sure like to see some of them.

Well I guess you had some time over the election question. We have been wondering how it will come out. I haven't voted yet but will in a day or so I guess. I don't think there is much doubt about the result but the papers seemed to be rather leary.

I guess this is enough for now. Many thanks for the eats and don't worry because I got them before Xmas for I couldn't have gotten them at a better time

Love to everybody


P.S. Chief says they aren't giving very much money to the fellow going on leave so please draw on my allowance if possible. I aught to be over by the middle of January easily & most likely before. WJM

PS Please excuse the shape the cards are in but I had them in my pockets all day.

Lots of Love

