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Date: June 9th 1915
Judge Calder

June 9th

Dear Judge;

We received that letter of yours on Wednesday: you went home sooner than you anticipated it strikes us. Say if you write to the Leland and ask for some letters you are sure to get them as there are about 3 of them there for you. In case you haven't heard of the excitement I will tell you all about it. All went jake until after church when Kil came up and said don't you think it would be a good idea to tell Junk now so we said yes, as we knew you would be well out of Vancouver by then. Old junk looked a little bit worried and the b___ followed him around looking over his shoulder and saying a few words once in a while. The d___ suck. Junk came up to me and said do you know anything about this, and I said no, Junk then said to me you must know something about it because you were such a good friend of Calder. I felt like calling him a liar but I thought better of it. He then got John & Jack and asked them, they said "no".

Junk got me up again and asked me if I couldn't give him a slight clew as to your whereabouts. I said no. Bogar then came running up and said "He must have gone to Vancouver and joined the forces theah." He then got on his motor bike and shot down town to see if he could find a clew. He came back about twelve with his tongue hanging out with the heat. That is about all I can tell you of it except that Biddy James said that it would be awful if some of those naughty women might have got you (you know what she meant. The Ritz Hotel)

John, Jack, Chris & I got our bumbys paddled from Bogar this morning for dressing up like nuns and fooling around. We were out in the corridor fooling around when bogar came in through the passage door and caught us red handed. He was looking holy as the duce when he came in but when he came in he looked unholy. He gave John & Chris & I and Jack & (?).

Well Judge hoping this will reach you safely & hoping you have got your fence built by now. I will quit this rambling epistle and leave the other side of these to pieces for John,

I am you friend always

P.S. Say you haven't for-gotten about coming down to the station have you. I will write you just before I pass through.

Dear Bill.-
Glad to hear from you, thanks

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