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Date: March 21st 1918
Mother & Father

Sunday March 21st

My Dear Mother & Father:

Well here we are again & I have not written for nearly, but it cannot be helped - as you will likely things are humming with the British Troops & work is first & sleep second - I was not in till nearly 3 last night but as there is nothing doing for my team tonight I must write you in case I do not get another chance this week.

I received three letters from home last week written on March 9th, 12th 16th respectively. I am glad that you like the pictures which I sent you, I thought they were pretty good to & you think campaigning has not changed me - well if it has, all it has done is to make me happy & consider myself lucky as long as I am dry - have three meals a day to look forward.

That is funny about Roddie's stripe the poor fool I guess he thinks that he will have it for all time & be able to boss old timers around out here. Unless he comes over in a unit hes bound to lose it as no Draft N.C.O.s hold stripes here - when he gets an older soldier he will also find out then one stripe is worse than none at all - too many odd jobs day and night.

You know I have always found out that I was darn lucky to be born in 98 instead of 96 as if I was 18 or 19 when this started I would have been over here in the infantry as sure as guns, because as you know I always wanted to go from the start.

I laughed at what you said about John when Aunt Mertie advised him to take some physic - said a mouth-full that time, I hope he comes to the 5th Div. as it is always nice to have someone around from home that I can talk to. I suppose by now he is busy at it - I would not be surprised though to see him land some good job in the ranks some place - like carpenter general handy man there are all kinds of jobs like that in a mounted unit - if he joins one - that he is likely to get they are bomb-proof too - that is they do not go up the line - my speed though is driving a team to the guns & clipping mules which is a d___ good job while it lasts.

I received that parcel & it was lovely, three of us who are living in a dug out ate the cake at one sitting! With coffee - I had a swell dream after it was in a bayonet charge & got a "blighty" then I woke up. The butter was in first class condition & believe me I enjoy it.

I have not been able to see Robert yet but hope to be able to go & visit him soon - the trouble is that when he is out of the line we always seem to working.

9 P.M.
Colvy (fellow from C.B.) & I went shooting tonight after supper to get ready for Fritz. We had lots of fun - you know there is all kinds of 503 am. kicking round & I have a fine new rifle which I found on the other front it is a dandy. I am going to try & get it home. That is when I go on pass I will take it to Blighty (which is easy as a man is supposed to take all his kit on pass) & leave it there till after the war then send for it. To finish our match we each got a "Mills" bomb & stuck it up then we went back to 70 yds. & shot at them. I exploded mine on the second shot & so did Colvy.
I received the Red cross parcel last night & every thing was lovely in it - I will write them tomorrow night.

Well what do you think of the big scrap? Personally I think it is a last kick, sink or swim at all costs: and although our troops have fallen back he has paid the price for it & man-power is what counts in the long run. He has tried to break our line unsuccessfuly in three different places inside of four weeks & was each time kept out & severely mauled. Taking everything into consideration I think we are as near Victory today as ever we were & a d___ sight nearer.

Well good night & lots of love

from Bill

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