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Date: April 12th 1945
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

Cfn Cochrane A.G.
#2 Cdn Adv Base W/S
Cdn Army Overseas.

April 12th, 1945

Dear Phyllis:

Have just got another letter-writing spree and you are in on it and guess maybe its just about time. I see by my book keeping that the last time that I wrote was on March 13. Golly but I had no idea that it was that long ago. Guess that I will have to smarten up a bit.

About the only people that I write to reguarlar any more is Mother and Dad. And by the way I just happen to remember Dads birthday to-day, some time to think about it after its all over. Sure hope that you thought of it. I am going to see if I can pick up some thing and send for a present.

Was sure glad to hear that you got the shoes alright. Was beginning to think that you would never get them. They sure were slow enough. How do you like them maybe you would like a big pair to wear. Ill see if Jean get you a pair say perhaps size 10. would that do.

I have had a couple of letters from Ruth one a couple of weeks ago and another, an Easter Card only a couple of days ago.

It is sure getting nice here now nearly all the trees are out in leaf and the fruit trees are nearly all out in Blossom. There are a couple of apple trees in the back yard covered with white and pink blossoms. It sure is a pretty sight. And you should see the Cheery trees, they are just one mass of white, from a short distance you would think that there wasn’t a leaf on the whole tree just blossoms. The weather has been quite good for almost a month now except for a few spells of wet weather now and again. Yesterday it was realy hot, the hottest that I have yet seen but late in the afternoon it clouded over and after supper there were several little showers. It is cloudy a little to-night and just nice and cool and so refreshing.

I recieved your Air Mail of March 17 on March 24 in which you told me of recieving the shoes. I might say that they didnt make such good time as they were mailed some time in January.

Well I guess maybe that is about all for to night


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