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Date: February 13th 1944
Phyllis Cochrane - (sister)
Allen Cochrane

[envelope addressed to:
Miss P Cochrane
223-12 Ave West

[envelope addressed from:
Pte Cochrane AG
1st Cdn Base Ord W/S

Sunday, Feb 13, 1944.

Dear Phyllis:

Well Phyl I know that it is high time that I wrote or should I say past high time but anyway here I am. I just have finished a letter to Mom and Dad and now its your turn but dont expect a long one as I havent much to say or much time to say it in, I have to get a letter off to your ole man if time permits.

You see we are puting in a bit of overtime and it doesn’t leave us much spare time. I received two letters from you on Feb the 5th one of which was an Air letter dated Jan 25 the other was dated Jan 4. Thanks for Berts address. the reason that I hadnt wrote to him was because I wasnt sure of it although last month I took a chance but I havent heard from him yet so I guess maybe he didn’t get it. However I shall try and write again to day.

So sorry to hear about your accident at the roller skating rink and hope that you won’t be laid up too long but then I guess you must learn (hum). Ya the way you talk, all you girls ever do is go out on old maid Parties Ill bet like so much, Id just like to show up by surprise some night, Ill bet your face would be red but then I guess your safe as far as Im concerned.

It has been a very quite week end as per usual, Last night I went to the Stage show at the Garrison and it was certainly very good It consisted largely of a dance band supplemented by a few singers. There was one singer in particular who was very good. He was John MacCormick, and Irish tennor.

Well Phyl Cheerio for now

P.S. – Say Hello to Eva and Ruth and tell them that I shall write in the not to distant future – I hope.

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